
Case Method

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The Amazon Kindle in France

#Books #e-readers #French #Market


Ever since the launch of the Amazon Kindle in 2007, the device met a continuous and sustainable success in the United States, confirming the arrival of the e-reader area. However meanwhile, e- readers in France struggle to achieve recognition, and despite multiple attempts since 2000, people still regard them with mistrust. Surveys have showed that French people still generally prefer reading on paper, which offers many advantages the digital format does not have. Furthermore they consider the product is still too immature to be wholly adopted, a feeling enhanced by the fact that catalogues are still poor, due to the reluctance of publishers and writers alike to digitize their works. With Amazon’s imminent entry in the French market, the case will study the possibilities offered to Amazon to reproduce the success of its Kindle device in France. How can one explain the contrast between the success of a market in one country, and the failure of the same market in another, even when these two countries are economically and culturally similar?

Detailed information

Case ID 11-1047
Published 2011
Analyzed Area Marketing
Pages 21
Language English
Teaching Note Attached