
Faculty & Research

Center for Family Business

Business succession support for SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for more than 90% of all businesses in Japan and play an important role in job creation in local areas. In Aichi Prefecture, the number of small and medium-sized businesses that have closed or dissolved has exceeded 1,300 for four consecutive years, and about 70% of those businesses' closings have been due to lack of successors. In light of this situation, the Institute of Business Succession Research was established to contribute to the revitalization of small and medium-sized businesses through industry-academia collaboration.

The main issue facing the management of small and medium-sized businesses is the development of successors, an important process which is often left neglected until it is already too late. In many such cases, there is no alternative but to choose M&A with competitors or to shutter the business. To address this issue, we develop cases related to business succession through industry-academia collaboration, support second business startups, and conduct corporate diagnosis.


2010 The Japan Society for Business Succession was established in Japan and the Dean of NUCB Business School was appointed as Board Member
2015 Center for Family Business established
2015 Agreement on collaboration between Aichi Shinkin Banks Association and NUCB Business School
2015 The Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Business Succession held
2016 Agreement on collaboration between Kuwana Shinkin Bank and NUCB Business School
2017 Business Succession and Innovation class in collaboration with Aichi Shinkin Banks Association started
2017 The 8th Open Forum - Japan Society for Business Succession held
2017 MEXT Branding Project Grant awarded
2018 The Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Business Succession
2021 The Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Business Succession
2023 Hosted IMD Family Business Program
2023 The Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Business Succession
2024 Supporting FBN Global Summit Japan
2025 IMD Family Business Program (TBD)

Business succession challenges faced by family businesses

The Institute for Business Succession Research, a research team made up of faculty members from the NUCB Business School and staff members from credit unions in Aichi Prefecture, conducts Human Resource Development for Business Succession programs with the aim of promoting succession within families. By supporting the succession of businesses within the family, we aim to strengthen the business foundations of small and medium-sized businesses, ensure the provision of employment in the local area, and encourage tomorrow's leaders to revitalize traditional local industries from a new perspective.

Cooperation Agreement with Aichi Shinkin Bank Association

Our school and 15 member banks of the Aichi Shinkin Bank Association established the Center for Family Business in 2015. Through its collaborative research initiatives, the Institute implements the Human Resource Development for Business Succession programs in order to enable and support succession within family businesses.

  • 愛知信用金庫
  • 豊橋信用金庫
  • 岡崎信用金庫
  • いちい信用金庫
  • 瀬戸信用金庫
  • 半田信用金庫
  • 知多信用金庫
  • 豊川信用金庫
  • 豊田信用金庫
  • 碧海信用金庫
  • 西尾信用金庫
  • 蒲郡信用金庫
  • 尾西信用金庫
  • 中日信用金庫
  • 東春信用金庫
