
Careers & Alumni

MBA for SME Consultants

Grow to become a trusted partner through on-site training

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) account for the majority of businesses worldwide and are important contributors to job creation and global economic development. According to the World Bank, they represent about 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. With an estimated 600 million jobs needed by 2030 to absorb the growing global workforce, SME development is a high priority for many governments around the world, especially in Japan, where SMEs account for 99.7% of 3.59 million companies, and the workforce employed by SMEs accounts for 70% of the total workforce.
However, SMEs are facing a host of issues such as changes in industrial structure, aging capital investment, stagnant innovation, and lack of successors. As consultants who can propose effective solutions to these problems, SME diagnosticians with a managerial perspective are becoming increasingly necessary.

Students not only study business administration to acquire general knowledge of management, but also to learn how to acquire clients and undergo practical training. Opportunities to diagnose five companies during the two-year MBA program are offered by the NUCB Business School to teach how to ask and answer difficult and pertinent questions. By approaching real businesses facing specific situations not covered in textbooks, students develop the mindset of effective SME diagnosticians. The first step is the MBA for SME consultants.
