
Careers & Alumni

MBA for Women

Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling as MBA Women

Representing half of the world's available talent, women have tremendous untapped potential to influence the expansion, innovation, and establishment of businesses throughout the globe. In a 2019 report by the International Labour Organization, two-thirds of companies surveyed agreed that diversity initiatives have significantly improved their business outcomes. Further, with a growing number of women being elected to political leadership positions, the “role model effect” suggests that this trend of political empowerment will correspond with increased numbers of women holding senior management positions in businesses worldwide.

By virtue of their unique perspective, women in the workforce are already equipped to provide the ideas and expertise needed to invigorate boardrooms and lead companies through the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Refining this raw energy, the MBA path for today's working women will guide them through the dynamics of power, toward the upper echelons of the business world.  
