
Scholarship & Residence

Specialized Training and Education Benefits System

To expand opportunities for working people to improve their skills required for their professions through the Brush-up Program for Professionals (BP) which was implemented on December 15, 2015, we are promoting the continuing education of professionals in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare's education and training benefit system.

As such, the courses of the Executive MBA, MBA, MIM, MSc, and PreMBA programs have been designated as courses supporting mid-to-long-term career development by the MHLW granting qualifying participants JPY 1.12m from HelloWork for taking designated courses and meeting certain requirements of the NUCB Business School.

  • Learn more about the benefits of the Course Certificate Program
  • Students are responsible for understanding and independently applying to the Specialized Training and Education Benefits System
  • Please contact Hello Work directly to confirm eligibility for benefits and to find out more details about applying
  • Please be sure to check the web pages of Hello Work and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for details on the Specialized Training and Education Benefits System.

[MHLW]About the Training and Education Benefits System (General/Specialized)


For items 6 (Designated number, the name of the educational training facility, the name of the course at the educational training facility) and 7 (The start and end date of the course) of the Training and Education Support Benefits qualification form, please refer to the details according to the program of enrollment.

Details for Executive MBA (General Management/SME Consulting) students

Details for Executive MBA (General Management/SME Consulting) students

Details for MBA (Business Administration) students

Details for MBA (Business Administration) students

Details for M.Sc. (Tax Accountant Program) students

Details for M.Sc. (Tax Accountant Program) students

Details for MBA (International Management [EN]) students

Details for MBA (International Management [EN]) students

Details for MBA (Business Administration [EN]) students

Details for MBA (Business Administration [EN]) students


Those who take courses designated by the Training and Education Benefits System at the NUCB Business School and meet requirements get paid up to JPY 1.12m.

Specialized Practical Training and Education Benefits (for 2-year programs)

During the program After completion
Limit JPY 400,000/year for 2 years JPY 320,000
Benefit period 2 years (in principle)

Eligibility and payment requirements

Benefits are available for NUCB Business school students who will enroll full-time from 2018 or later and complete one of the designated programs within two years: Executive MBA, MBA, MIM (1 or 2 years), and M.Sc. In addition, in order to be eligible to receive this scholarship, students must meet the requirements set forth by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as well as the Program Approval Criteria set forth by the School. MBA students on the 1-year completion track are also eligible to qualify.

Requirements for receiving benefits as set forth by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare

Eligibility is limited to those who are generally insured under the employment insurance system on the day they begin taking specialized practical education and training courses (hereinafter referred to as the "date of commencement" (1)) and whose required payment period (2) is two years or more.

For those who are not insured on the date of commencement, the period starting from the day after they have lost their general insurance status (the day after the change of working status) to the starting date of the course must be within 1 year (eligibility period can be extended for up to a maximum of 4 years), and the required payment period must be at least 2 years. For those who have a history of receiving benefits, at least 10 years must have passed since the last payment of those benefits.

  1. “Date of commencement” refers to the prescribed start date of the education and training course (not necessarily the first day of your attendance) and is the date certified by the head of the education and training facility. Please be sure to check with the School for details.
  2. “Required payment period” refers to the period spanning from when the applicant became employed and insured by a single employer (either general insurance or special insurance for short-term employment) until the date of commencement. If the applicant has received training and education benefits in the past, the period of insurance before the date of commencement is not counted. Currently, the required period is two years, but this is a temporary measure and the required period is usually more than ten years.

For students enrolled in the MBA (EN) 1-year program only

In addition to the above, the GPA upon completion must be at 3.00 or higher.

Payment procedure

The deadline of application submission to Hello Work is a month before the date of commencement.

Note: If you are taking the test before the deadline, please do not wait for a pass/fail announcement and proceed with the application ahead of time. You may apply regardless of whether you have passed or failed the test. Scheduled program start dates: April 1 for Spring Semester enrollment and September 1 for Fall Semester enrollment

1. Application prior to enrollment

Please apply directly to your local Hello Work. Please note that the hours of operation are between 8:30 to 17:15 on weekdays only. Consult your local Hello Work office.

2. Application during the program

The application period is within one month from the day after the last day of the previous semester.

3. Application after completion

The application period is within one month from the day after program completion.

Subsidy for Human Resource Development (formerly Career Development Subsidy)

For business owners

Companies can receive a subsidy from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Human Resource Development Subsidy" when they send their employees to take professional education and training to develop their vocational skills. This system subsidizes training expenses and part of the wages paid during the training period when vocational training is provided in accordance with plans to promote the career development of company employees. Please utilize the subsidy to develop the human resource and career development of employees at your company.
*Please contact your local labor bureau for details.

  • The maximum amount of subsidized expenses is JPY 500,000 per person per course, depending on the training hours and training course.
  • The maximum amount of subsidy a business or employing organization can receive in one fiscal year is JPY 5,000,000.
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered to be employers with 300 or fewer workers at any one time.

There are other points to keep in mind as well. Please be sure to contact your local labor bureau for more information.

[MHLW] Locations of Prefectural Labour Bureaus (Labour Standards Inspection Offices and Public Employment Security Offices)
[MHLW] About Human Resource Development Support Subsidy

  • Enrollment Guidance

    A selection of entrance exams for the MBA/MiM are available. For further details, please see the admission selection, application method, scholarships and the tuition fees table.