
Faculty & Research

Research Activities

Practice of Leaders

NUCB Business Review

About the NUCB Business Review

Since its establishment in 1990, NUCB Business School has been providing educational programs to foster innovative managers with advanced knowledge and practical skills. Based on the founding philosophy of the “Frontier Spirit,” we aim to nurture highly professional leaders with a global perspective and a strong sense of ethics who can contribute to the economy and society both domestically and internationally.

The NUCB Business Review (NBR) was launched to communicate this philosophy to the world, and while continuing the concept of our previous journal, the NUCB insight, the NBR will strive to further advance research on practical leadership and provide insights to a wide audience of business leaders and professionals around the world in both English and Japanese.

A Broad Scope of Leadership Perspectives

The journal showcases the latest research of faculty members of the triple-accredited NUCB Business School. Its content is designed to satisfy the needs of a diverse group of readers and covers an array of topics not only limited to economics, management, and commerce, but also a wide range of social sciences.