
Scholarship & Residence

Educational Policy

Mission of education, research and human resource development of the school

Our Mission is to educate innovative and ethical leaders who possess a ‘Frontier Spirit’ and to create knowledge that advances business and society. Through continuous achievement of this objective, the School maintains its position as a leading institution of management education and research in Japan and Asia year by year. Successful program candidates are those who are highly motivated to take on new challenges in service of the School’s mission. Based on this, we accept students in possession of the following qualities:

  • Ambition to engage volatile and uncertain circumstances with an ethical approach proceeding from both a theoretical and practical understanding
  • Empathy in understanding the motivations of others, both in analyzing the actors in various business cases and participating in class discussions and group collaborations
  • Insight needed to comprehend the application of abstract and practical theories, concepts, and methodologies taught and employed in the study of business management

Although candidates must demonstrate a level of general knowledge and skill sufficient for making meaningful contributions to class discussions and group projects, admission to NUCB Business School is not based on insider industry knowledge or qualification in specific fields; rather, it is evaluated based on the development of leadership attributes through personal and professional experience.

Diploma Policy

Degree candidates will be assessed for each course by the respective instructor of that course. In order to complete the program, candidates must complete all mandatory courses, earn the required 40 credits, and synthesize their insights into a capstone project. For the Division of Business Administration, the capstone project entails the submission and presentation of an original business case study; for the Division of Accounting and Finance, a Master’s Thesis.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree will be conferred on students who embody the Frontier Spirit and demonstrate mastery of the following skills: Logic in resolving issues of varying nature and size Ethical and socially responsible decision-making * Clear and effective articulation of ideas and viewpoints

The Master in Management (MiM) degree will be conferred on students who embody the Frontier Spirit and exhibit sophisticated knowledge and practical ability necessary for business strategy formulation and management assistance.

Curriculum Policy

The NUCB Business School has earned three accreditations from the most influential accrediting bodies of higher education institutions, both domestic and international: the Japan Institution for Higher Education Evaluation, the AACSB International, and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). International accreditations such as those accorded by the AACSB and AMBA are signifiers that our School’s educational programs and research are held to a global standard that our school consistently meets and aims to surpass. The School is continuously striving to improve and expand on the programs to better guide degree candidates towards achievement of the Learning Goals (LG) of the School:

LG1 Critical Thinking
Resolve the issues of both internal and external actors in business using logical thinking.
LG2 Diversity Awareness
Identify and harness the benefits of multiple perspectives and promote diversity across all lines of difference.
LG3 Ethical Decision-Making
Make decisions with a sense of ethical and social responsibility and develop sustainable management practices.
LG4 Effective Communication
Be able to articulately describe and interpret ideas and concerns clearly and logically in communication with individuals of varying personalities and communication styles.
LG5 Executive Leadership
Possess the vision required to effectively lead management through organizational change.
LG6 Innovative Leadership
Think creatively to find new approaches, apply cutting-edge ideas, and cultivate a work culture that drives innovation further.
LG7 Global Perspective
Recognize and understand the influence of global circumstances and the impact decisions can have around the world.
LG8 Tax Accounting Consulting Skills
Provide comprehensive and precise corporate consultation with tax accounting expertise.
The learning goals set for each program are as follows

Learning Goals EMBA MBA MIM MSc
Fundamental LG-1 Critical Thinking
LG-2 Diversity Awareness
LG-3 Ethical Decision Making
LG-4 Effective Communication
LG-5 Executive Leadership      
LG-6 Innovative Leadership      
LG-7 Global Perspective      
LG-8 Tax Accounting Consulting Skills      

Admission Policy

The mission of NUCB Business School is to educate innovative and ethical leaders who possess a ‘Frontier Spirit’ and to create knowledge that advances business and society. Through continuous achievement of this objective, the School maintains its position as a leading institution of management education and research in Japan and Asia year by year.

Successful program candidates are those who are highly motivated to take on new challenges in service of the School’s mission. Based on this, we accept students in possession of the following qualities:

  • Ambition to engage volatile and uncertain circumstances with an ethical approach proceeding from both a theoretical and practical understanding
  • Empathy in understanding the motivations of others, both in analyzing the actors in various business cases and participating in class discussions and group collaborations
  • Insight needed to comprehend the application of abstract and practical theories, concepts, and methodologies taught and employed in the study of business management

Although candidates must demonstrate a level of general knowledge and skill sufficient for making meaningful contributions to class discussions and group projects, admission to NUCB Business School is not based on insider industry knowledge or qualification in specific fields; rather, it is evaluated based on the development of leadership attributes through personal and professional experience.