
Case Method

Case Library

Genting Berhad 2011

#Venture #Business #Global #Market #Gambling


This case study deals with challenges, opportunities and actions taken by a gaming company called Genting Berhad to enter the Great Britain market. In Genting's origin country i.e. Malaysia, Genting is the monopoly in the casino business. Being in the industry for more than 4 decades has given Genting the knowledge and experience in handling casino activities and has enough funds to venture to other businesses. Genting through her subsidiary, GEnting Singapore Plc Ltd started to venture to the United Kingdom in 2004 and took over Stanley Leisure Ilc in 2006. This case highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced by Genting when the Great Britain government changed the gaming regulation by introducing The Gambling Act 2005 to replace Act 1968. Genting has to rely on the local management to run the business in Genting as the market is still new to Genting which is facing very tough situation due to the economy crisis in 2008. Genting also has to compete with other competitors as the market is very competitive. Furthermore, the casino business only had a small share in the industry. Genting has collaborated with companies to create joint venture project to further grow in the industry.

Detailed information

Case ID 11-1049
Published 2011
Analyzed Area Organizational behavior & leadership
Pages 28
Language English
Teaching Note Attached