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Hafiz 2013

#International #employment #policy #Unemployment #program #Brilliant #star #framework


In the Middle East, under the movement designated as the ‘Arab Spring’, the complex mix of public disenchantment with regional governments clearly demonstrated the explosive relationship between high unemployment and the lack of political representation. Two years ago, Within the context of regional instability, the King of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, issued decree No. A61 of late 2011. He is the first leader in Middle East to launch such program. Responding to the high unemployment figures, the decree allocated $37 billion towards a range of policy initiatives, aiming at curbing the steep rise in young Saudis unable to find work. Furthermore, the main thrust of the decree went towards mandating the Minister of Labor, Dr Adel Fakeih, to launch Hafiz, the Saudi National Unemployment Assistance Programme. The Hafiz program pays unemployed Saudis SR2,000 ($533) a month for up to one year. The Minister’s mandate required him to implement a range of policy initiatives to combat unemployment while, at the same time, stimulating key areas of economic activity at targeted sections of the unemployed population. As an urgent plan of launching (Hafiz حافز) which is an activity created to address the critical need of supporting job seekers while finding jobs through a financial motivation and training programs. Hafiz 2012, announced an employment for 117.000 registrars through one year. So, will Hafiz be able to continue and offer job opportunities for two million for unemployed. Will it achieve the goal of reaching to 0% of unemployment rate in Saudi Arabia.

Detailed information

Case ID 13-1026
Published 2013
Analyzed Area Human resources management
Pages 17
Language English
Teaching Note Attached