
Case Method

Case Library

CGI in 2013

#Strategic #Management #Human #Resources #Cross #Border


This case study deals with the reasons that justify the acquisition of an Anglo-Dutch IT consulting firm, Logica, by a Canadian IT consulting firm, CGI in August 2012 as well as its results, its key success factors and the new synergies created between the two companies one year after. More specifically, the case explains how, consultants from CGI Business Consulting in France have experienced this operation, what were their main difficulties and how they are adapting to this change. The deal was actually an opportunity for both companies. Indeed, Logica was struggling with the decaying European market with a significant decrease in the net profit from £152.1 million in 2010 to £27.2 million in 2011 and CGI wanted to grow larger in the world and to increase its market share by expanding in Europe. This case is mainly written from Internet public sources, business press articles, company’s reports and corporate videos (secondary sources). Case author worked in the former Logica Business Consulting, which is now CGI Business Consulting in the business team Financial Services in France and was able to evaluate the experiences of consultants from different hierarchical levels (from associate director to junior consultant) of this acquisition one year after.

Detailed information

Case ID 13-1037
Published 2013
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 17
Language English
Teaching Note Attached