
Case Method

Case Library

Digiweb New Zealand 2014

#Strategy #Merger #and #Acquisition #Critical #Thinking


The case is talking about Digiweb New Zealand that is a web hosting group and domain name registrar and evolving in the New Zealand market with a branch in Australia. The case study is focusing on the main evolution the business had undergone between 2013 and 2014 in order to rational its operation after a fast increase of the group through merger and acquisition, and also in order to prepare an acquisition that would double the size of the company. The case intend to focus on the complexity of operation in the webhosting industry and on how company can go through this issue. It’s also asking on the ability for a fast growing small to medium size company to keep track of internalities and develop a proper reporting system that can strengthen operation. The point is to analyze a company who is slowing going through a rationalization of its management function in order to meet its expected growth. The case will review the main characteristics of the webhosting and domain name registration sectors before focusing on the challenges faced and the progress realized by Digiweb New Zealand in the past year. It will open with the challenges the company is going to face on a midterm basis and is asking if the company actually as the operational force to meet those challenges.

Detailed information

Case ID 15-1067
Published 2015
Analyzed Area Competitive strategy
Pages 40
Language English
Teaching Note Attached