
Case Method

Case Library

Flipkart 2016

#Start #Up #Innovation #Sustainability


The case study will help to analyze the strategies and evolution of Indian e-commerce company Flipkart. Also, case highlights the opportunities in the Indian e-tailing market. Starting as an E-tailing of books, Flipkart expanded its portfolio over time period. Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal ex-employee of Amazon started this firm which is mainly driven by venture capital. Delivering great value to customer, continuous innovation, leading by example Flipkart changed the way of shopping in India. By the end of 2015, Flipkart established itself as major market player, valued more than USD 11 billion from the initial investment of approximately USD 3500. During this journey, Flipkart acquired small other companies as well as competitors to increase its existence in market and got recognized as India’s First billion dollar e-commerce company. At the same time losses were increasing, facing threat from increasing competition and entry from global players slowing down the growth of Flipkart. There is still no end for the growing Indian market which doubles its size to USD 120 billion by 2020. But to maintain winning streak in Indian market some tough questions have to be answered by Flipkart management. The main question will be how to differentiate themselves from their competitors as everyone are offering the same solutions. Can Flipkart keep on its winning streak? This case is meant for MBA to learn overall business strategy and give an idea about doing business in emerging market.

Detailed information

Case ID 16-1045
Published 2016
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 26
Language English
Teaching Note Attached