
Case Method

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Brimoncourt 2015

#Champagne #Global #market #Entrepreneurship #spirit


Brimoncourt was established in 2009 by Alexandre Cornot a 40 years old man, former notary and art dealer. This project was a real challenge because of the world economic crisis that affected the sales of Champagne and the huge amount of investments required to create and launch a new Champagne house. Despite the challenges, the project was on the right track and during the first year of sales in 2013, the brand was distributed in France (major market) and exported in several European countries. One year after, Brimoncourt was already looking to enter in new markets: US, Australia and some Asian countries. Today Brimoncourt is managed by 9 people (including the founder) with one brand ambassador in the US and one Export manager for the Asia Pacific area based in Australia. Even if the sales and production are growing, several challenges lie ahead and must be considered to access the sustainability of the company: increase sales and market shares, securing profits and grape supply.

Detailed information

Case ID 16-1052
Published 2016
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 22
Language English
Teaching Note Attached