
Case Method

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#Corporate #Brand #Identity #Organizational #Culture #Entrepreneurship #Community #commerce


The lack of diversity in the beauty shelves in the US market pushes Richelieu Dennis to start his own company with his mother and his roommate, to satisfy the hair and skin care sections for African American. His ability to offer what his customer need was complemented by his purpose-driven business “ Community Commerce - ethically sourced and organic products” and made him a notorious black business owner, respected in his community and later made him a billionaire CEO. When an entrepreneur like Richelieu Dennis built his Company identity on his own personality and image of being “black-owned business”, his Vision can be reflected on his Company Culture “ black company serving black consumers” and his Company purpose of “ Community- Commerce based business model” of giving back to black community. But what happens when the company starts to grow and attracts the interest of big companies as Bain Capital and Unilever? Sundial Brands expands his market demographic into Caucasian. Can he keep his company identity as the same? How the core customers perceive these changes? Now he plays in Giants Playground, he has to build new competitive advantage and to target mainstream as well. As the Giants target also his core customers, how can he separate his align again his Vision, Culture and Image to bring back his Corporate Identity? Was developing his demographic target the only way for him to expand his business?

Detailed information

Case ID 18-1078
Published 2018
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 36
Language English
Teaching Note Attached