
Case Method

Case Library

Uber Technology Inc. 2016

#Growth Management #Start-ups #Sustainability Management #Sustainability ManagementGrowth #Management #Sustainability


This case examines the growth of Uber from its launch in 2010 to the selling of its China operations in 2016, with the progress of the company being charted against the theory of the business lifecycle. The case begins by looking at Uber’s founders Garret Camp and Travis Kalanick and their creating of the company, then continues to follow Kalanick as CEO. Four overlays of the business lifecycle are used to compare Ubers growth, both internal and external, to optimal theoretical averages. The overlays used inspect: 1. The expected growth of a company over the business lifecycle phases 2. The strategic and logical choices to achieve founders short and long-term growth and profit goals 3. The development of management and control systems against the changes in organizational structure over time 4. The management prioritization of key aspects of the business to achieve sustained growth It is found that Uber’s growth closely parallels much of the theories presented throughout the 5 phases of the business lifecycle and supports the four overlays use as a guideline for new starts-ups seeking sustainable growth. An often-repeated action of Kalanick that carry’s across overlays, going against the theory, is his preference to micromanage and his inability to fully delegate responsibility.

Detailed information

Case ID 19-1059
Published 2019
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 18
Language English
Teaching Note Attached