
Case Method

Case Library

The Pokemon Company 2020

#Business Strategy #Marketing Communication #Brand Management


This case looks at The Pokémon Company (TPC) being at crossroads on how to proceed with its latest project after receiving feedback from disappointed fans after giving two press releases on YouTube in June 2020. While the first video was well received, the joint presentation with Tencent, a Chinese technology giant, was the one that received intense criticism. President and CEO of TPC, Tsunekazu Ishihara, had already announced three future games of the Pokémon franchise, however, Ishihara drew most attention by announcing that there would be more big news in a second presentation. In the end he did not deliver by presenting another mobile game and left many fans behind, deeply disappointed. TPC could look back at a series of successes, such as Pokémon Go in 2016, a mobile game, which restarted a Pokémon hype as in the late 1990s. TPC was able to build a business strategy upon the success of Pokémon Go. With multi-layered Brand Management a wider audience was attracted, and more games were designed to target and develop the casual gamers to core gamers. The aim was to introduce them slowly to the core games for consoles. Sales figures of the first core game of TPC for the Nintendo Switch proved the strategy, although other factors such as COVID-19 played a role. The different demographics as well as gamer types of their customers makes precise Marketing Communication more important than ever as different needs were to be catered for. This case will give good learning subjects, as the students will look at how to position a brand and franchise after almost 25 years. In addition, how a broader customer base affects marketing communication. Lastly, how to navigate in a dynamic industry and find a future-proof business strategy.

Detailed information

Case ID 20-1182
Published 2020
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 28
Language English
Teaching Note Attached