
Case Method

Case Library

The Source 2020

#Digital Marketing #Strategic Management #Innovation Management


As creativity has proven to be one of the biggest contributors to mobile advertisement performance, a French fast-growing start-up named The Source decides to create an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution to further establish its position within the mobile content creation industry. Their solution? An AI-based creative analytics tool that would identify creative elements driving performance within mobile content. Through this service offering, the startup hoped to not only answer many of their customers’ pain points regarding the blind spot creativity’s subjectivity generates in the industry, but also to prove AI’s usefulness in managing creativity. We follow, Marie-Charlotte PETIT, the CMO of the company, tasked with designing a business proposal to convince, not only the rest of her executive team but also one of their biggest clients, of the benefits this solution could bring to their digital marketing campaigns’ competitiveness. Creating an AI requires a lot of time and investment. A lot of data is required for machine learning for it to be efficient, agile, and accurate in its outcomes. Meaning, that they need as many clients as possible on board to turn that project into a reality. Her executive team had fixed a face-to-face meeting with one of their biggest clients in 2 months, to taste the water before aiming for investments. Is adding an AI to their service line what the company needs to further establish its position in the industry? Is AI technology truly fitted to enhance creativity in mobile advertisement creation? Or is it again a misuse of the term AI to collect capital? Many challenges and opportunities are waiting for our protagonist in her quest to collect all the elements she needs to write the best solution proposal.

Detailed information

Case ID 22-1085
Published 2022
Analyzed Area Marketing
Pages 31
Language English
Teaching Note Attached