
Case Method

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Ascendus Advisory 2022

#Talent Management #Organizational culture #Integration failure

Ascendus Advisory 2022


Ascendus Advisory’s Strategy Manager Sara Marchesi has some though decision to make. Having joined the global management consulting powerhouse in July 2021 after the small strategy boutique she was working for,Dynamo Consulting, had been acquired by Ascendus, she had rolled up her sleeves and set to work in her new ‘home’ to gain the trust of her new partners. The undertaking of digital transformation programs, increasingly a top priority for large and smaller companies alike, had been a major driver of growth for the strategy segments of consulting, and the market for talent was hot in Italy. Attracted by high compensations, stimulating working environment, and a prestigious brand to flaunt on their resumes, ambitious young professionals such as Marchesi had to consistently deliver superior performance to satisfy rising clients’ expectations, and to stand a chance to advance in their career. Due to the intensively competitive environment, those who could not demonstrate a solid record of professional achievements were gently pushed to leave the company, following the ‘up or out’ policy practice by many firms to preserve the quality of their human capital. However, after few years in the grind, many chose to ‘jump the fence’, i.e., join a competitor after fruitful salary negotiations, or to ‘take the door’, i.e. moving into the corporate world for a less-stressful and well-compensated job. In December 2022, Marchesi had received a proposal to join a smaller, nimbler strategy boutique, who promised her larger entrepreneurial freedom and less administrative redtape compared to her current firm. However, the decision entailed a lot of unknows. What will she do? And what was the future for an industry build on a ‘talent myth’?

Detailed information

Case ID 23-1194
Published 2023
Industry OTHERS
Analyzed Area Organizational behavior & leadership
Pages 29
Language English
Teaching Note Attached