
Faculty & Research

Hirotomo Abe


Hirotomo Abe


While working at a general trading company or sōgō shōsha, Professor Abe was dispatched to study commercial law at the National University of La Plata University in Argentina and was also stationed in New York, London, and São Paulo. As a legal specialist, Professor Abe supported the management of the overseas offices of the trading company, overseeing legal affairs and compliance as the Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel at the London Regional Headquarters. After returning to Japan, he studied at the Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba, and obtained both a master's degree in law, and a doctorate degree. Following his resignation from his position at the trading company, he has been applying his wealth of business experience in research activities on the subject of corporate governance, business ethics, and risk management from a practitioner's viewpoint. Professor Abe serves as an outside director of a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange as well as chairman of the Japanese Law Translation Council of the Ministry of Justice while pursuing efforts to disseminate information on Japanese laws and regulations overseas to promote foreign direct investment in Japan.

Research Interests

Corporate governance, Business ethics, Risk management

Final Education

Ph.D., University of Tsukuba

Academic Papers

  • Hirotomo Abe (2024) About Brazilian Law No. 14.611 (2023) prohibiting gender pay disparity. Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law 52 (6)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2024) Corporate governance for healthy capitalism - Examination of shareholder rights restriction provisions in Brazilian company law -. The Japanese Association of International Business Law 9 :2424-0753
  • Hirotomo Abe (2024) Draft Law No. 572/2022 Brazilian Human rights Due Diligence Law (Draft). International Business Law Journal 2024 (52)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2023) Regarding Law No. 14.470 amending the Brazilian Competition Law - Introduction of civil double compensation system -. International Business Law 51 (9)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2023) Human Rights Due Diligence and Directors’ Duty. Japanese Association of International Business Law (Annual Report No 8) March 2023 (8) :2424-0753
  • Hirotomo Abe (2023) A Comparative Study of Exemption Clauses in International Commercial Contracts. Annual Report No 8 : Japanese Association of International Business Law March 2023 (8) :2424-0753
  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) Corporate responsibility for Invasion of Human Rights. International Law Review 2022 Vol. 50 (No. 6)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) "Symposium on ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation" Directors' Duty of Care and Human Rights Issues. Hsuan Chuang Law Journal 37 (June 2022) :ISSN 1815-6509
  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) Symposium on ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation: Directors’ Duty of Care and Human Rights Issues. Hsuan Chuang University Law Journal (37)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights Infringement Risks. International Business Law (KOKUSAI-SHOJIHO-KENKYUSHO) 49 (10) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) History of Competition Law in Latin America and Caribbean Countries. International Business Law (KOKUSAISHOUJIHOUMU) 49 (6) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2020) The amendment bill of Brazil to introduce compensation of punitive damages. International Business Law (KOKUSAISHOUJIHOUMU) 48 (10) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2019) Competition Law In Mexico and the Commitment Procedure. International Business Law (KOKUSAISHOUJIHOUMU) 47 (6) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2019) Corporate Governance, Compliance and Corporate Lawyers in Japan. Shingakurin Publishing 2 :978-986-295-929-9

Book & Case Publishing

  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) Introduction to International Business Law. Chuo Keizai Publishing
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) The Laws in Brazil. University Publishing
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) Legal English. Chuo Keizai Publishing
  • Hirotomo Abe (2020) Legal System in Brazil. University Education Press
  • Hirotomo Abe (2019) Comparative Law of Brazil-Japan. Shinzan-sha