
Faculty & Research

Tatsuyuki Negoro


Tatsuyuki Negoro


After accumulating a decade of work experience in the steel industry, he transitioned into academia. He attained an MBA degree from Keio Business School (KBS).

In 2001, he joined Waseda University and has been actively teaching within the MBA program since 2003. Alongside his teaching and research responsibilities, he assumed the role of Director of Waseda Business School (WBS) and subsequently served as Dean from 2010 to 2016. He also held the position of Director at the Research Institute of Information Technology and Management at Waseda University. Starting in 2023, he has the position of Professor at NUCB Business School and Specially Appointed Professor at Shizenkan University.

He has held several esteemed positions within academic and professional organizations, including the presidency of the Japan Society of Management and Information Management, the vice presidency of CRM Forum JAPAN, membership on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Systems Research, and an international advisor for Systems Practice. His contributions to the field of business strategy, business models, digital transformation, and platform strategy include the publication of more than fifteen books and over 30 academic papers.

Research Interests

Business Strategy, Business Model, Digital Transformation, and Platform Strategy

Final Education

MBA, Keio Business School

Academic Papers

  • Tatsuyuki Negoro (2021) Interactive Evolution of Marketing Functions between Platforms and Individual Business Operators. Japan Marketing Journal 41 (2)


  • (2023) Development of Digital Strategy Theory Integrating Disruptive Innovation Theory and Platform Theory. Japan Science and Technology Agency Primary Researcher

Book & Case Publishing

  • Tetsujiro Nakagaki, Masanori Kato (2023) Action Principles for Polinator. Nikkei BP
  • Michael Wade, Didier Bonnet, Tomoko Yokoi, and Nikolaus Obwegeser (2023) Hacking Digital: Best Practices to Implement and Accelerate Your Business Transformation. Nikkei Shinbun