
Faculty & Research

Nobuyuki Kobayashi

Adjunct Professor

Nobuyuki Kobayashi


Professor Nobuyuki Kobayashi completed his doctorate coursework from the Graduate School of Business and Commerce at Keio University. Following his graduation from Keio University, he worked as an auditor in a major auditing firm. After leaving the auditing firm, he worked as a certified public accountant and tax accountant while continuing his studies at the Keio Graduate School, continuing to be actively engaged in practical business and research. Professor Kobayashi is presently working as a certified public accountant, tax accountant, and auditor for the National Institute for Environmental Studies and Hulic Co., Ltd., and he is also a member of the Business Analysis Association, the Japan Accounting Association, the Japan Boki Association, the Japanese Association for Research in Disclosure, and Pronexus, Inc.

Research Interests

Financial Accounting, Accounting of Liability, Structure of Accounting

Final Education

M.A., Keio University