
Faculty & Research

Mitsuo Kogawa

Adjunct Professor

Mitsuo Kogawa


After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Waseda University, Professor Mitsuo Ogawa worked for a major automotive manufacturer and subsequently earned an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh in 1991. The same year, he joined the Sanwa Research Institute (now Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting), where he was involved in the establishment of the management consulting division. He joined PwC Consulting in 2000 where he was involved in the launch of the strategy consulting division. In addition to providing consulting services for medium-sized and large companies, he expanded the scope of his consulting work to include non-profit corporations such as government agencies, school corporations, and medical corporations. PwC Consulting merged with IBM in 2002, and he was promoted to partner of the newly established IBM Business Consulting Services. In 2004, he became independent, establishing Craig Consulting. Professor Ogawa specializes in organizational theory and human resource activation theory.

Research Interests

Management Organization Theory

Final Education

MBA, University of Pittsburgh

Awards & Honours

  • (2020) Teaching Award 2019, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute