
Faculty & Research

Nana Otsuki


Nana Otsuki


Professor Otsuki started her academic career at NUCB Business School in 2015. She received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tokyo, an MBA from the London Business School, and a DBA from the Hitotsubashi University. After serving at a Japanese bank, she took on the role of analyst at rating agencies including S&P, UBS Securities, and Merrill Lynch Japan Securities. She is currently a Senior Fellow for Pictet Asset Management (Japan) Ltd., an External Director for Credit Saison, Inc., and an External Corporate Auditor for Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. She is an appointed member of the Council on Fiscal System for the Ministry of Finance; the Chairman of the Council for the Promotion of Regulatory Reform in the Cabinet Office; the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Public Funds Management Committee; the Savings Insurance Corporation; the Nippon Export and the Investment Insurance Evaluation Committee.

Research Interests

Financial System, International Finance, Financial Market

Final Education

DBA, Hitotsubashi University

Academic Papers

  • Nana Otsuki (2019) Evaluation by the Aumann and Serrano Performance Index and Sharpe Ratio: Bitcoin Performance. Applied Economics