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Press Release

Organizing the Aichi Innovation Program in collaboration with Aichi Prefecture and INSEAD

In collaboration with Aichi Prefecture and INSEAD (France), our school will hold the INSEAD Innovation Program starting in November, which aims to develop human resources to start new businesses. This program will be implemented under the "Aichi-Startup Strategy" formulated by Aichi Prefecture, through a collaborative agreement with universities and graduate schools that are pioneering the field of creating, supporting, and fostering new businesses in Aichi Prefecture and overseas.

In addition to supporting the recruitment of participants through our own network, our faculty members will provide advice on launching new businesses and projects to participants involved in the creation of new businesses during the training process. In March, a final report meeting will be held at our Nagoya Marunouchi Tower Campus.

INSEAD Innovation Program

In order for Aichi Prefecture to maintain its competitiveness and lead Japan and the world, the Aichi-Startup Strategy was formulated in October 2018 with the aim of forming and enhancing a startup ecosystem that will serve as the soil for triggering innovation with startup companies as the catalyst.  

About the Aichi-Startup Strategy (Aichi Prefecture official website)    

Outline of the INSEAD Innovation Program and Application Process

From November to February, INSEAD will hold virtual seminars for those who are involved in creating new businesses in companies in Aichi Prefecture. In addition, participants will be asked to work on a project that will lead to the creation of new businesses, utilizing what they have learned in the seminar series. Faculty members of our school and INSEAD will provide support for the project work.

On the last day of the program, the participants will have an opportunity to discuss their learning in the program. The debriefing session is scheduled for mid-March and will be announced separately once the details are decided. A certificate from INSEAD will be issued to those who have completed the program. Completion of the program is subject to certain conditions, such as attendance rate.

  • Target audience: Companies with headquarters or main offices in Aichi Prefecture that are in charge of new business creation, etc. (Those who can communicate in English are preferred.)
  • Number of participants: 20
  • Fee: Not required
  • Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation into Japanese will be provided, but assignments for each course will be in English only.)
  • Application deadline: Friday, October 9

Click here for details and application for the INSEAD Innovation Program.

INSEAD Business School

Founded in 1957, INSEAD is the most internationalized business school in the world with campuses in Europe (France), the United States (San Francisco), Asia (Singapore), and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi). INSEAD's MBA program has been ranked No. 1 in the world by the Financial Times Global MBA rankings 2016 and 2017 for two consecutive years. INSEAD is also the world's largest provider of executive education, with more than 12,000 executives and 200 companies from around the world studying at INSEAD each year.

INSEAD Official Website