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First wave of research for the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) "Values ​​in a Crisis Survey" published (NUCB Business School and Keio University)

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

Dr. Joonha Park of NUCB Business School (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture) and Dentsu Research Institute (Minato Ward, Tokyo), in cooperation with Professor Naoko Taniguchi of the Graduate School of System Design and Management at Keio University (Kohoku Ward, Yokohama City) and visiting researchers Dr. Akaryski and Dr. Prameng, conducted the “Values ​​in a Crisis Survey 1” in Japan on May 15th and 16th, 2020.

There is a dearth of research that examines people’s values over the course of a global crisis. The ongoing survey is part of a global effort by the World Association of Public Opinion Research to determine whether the glacial stability of values that we routinely observe in “normal” times persist in highly unusual times when a sudden crisis of massive proportions hits an entire society.

The goal of the study is to conduct three consecutive waves, using a fully standardized questionnaire. Wave 1 was conducted specifically to gather data as long as curfew-like measures are still in effect, with Waves 2 and 3 planned to take place at a point in time when public life begins to turn back to normalcy and half a year or a full year later when the economy has recovered from the expected recession, respectively.

Japan is one of the 100 countries and regions in which the “Values In A Crisis Survey” is taking place: the first wave of the internet survey was conducted on 3,000 adults nationwide, defining the Japanese experience and clarifying anxieties regarding the novel coronavirus, including shifting attitudes towards the heads of national and local governments, medical personnel, and the media, also gathering predictions about the future of Japanese society, the economy, and the country as a whole during the survey period.

Link to the official press release

[Inquiries regarding the content of this survey]
Associate Professor Joonha Park, NUCB Business School, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
Public Relations for NUCB Business School: Mr. Usman Muzaffar
TEL: 052-203-8111 FAX: 052 -221-5221

Professor Naoko Taniguchi, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University
URL for report: http://www.sdm.keio
Keio University Public Relations Office
TEL: 03-5427-1541 FAX: 03- 5441-7640