
Academic Programs

MSc in Taxation

Financial Accounting by Professor Tetsuya Sano, Tax Accountant Training Course

#Business School

This fall semester, NUCB Business School in Nagoya resumed face-to-face classes, which many of the students had been eagerly awaiting, and one course in each program was completed without a hitch. The classes are conducted with thorough measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, such as thorough temperature checks and disinfection upon entering the building, small group sessions, social distancing by leaving one seat empty, and thorough ventilation of the room using a circulator with the classroom entrance always open. The first course in the fall semester of the Tax Accountant Training Program is "Financial Accounting" taught by Professor Tetsuya Sano.

Financial Accounting

In this class, students will learn about basic accounting concepts in a discussion format using actual cases. Through discussions, the goal is to not only input the concepts of financial accounting as knowledge, but also to output and use them through comments in class.

The third day of class

In this article, we will learn about integrated reports based on the theme, "Can the integrated reports of MinebeaMitsumi and AlpsAlvine be considered useful for investors? We will examine the accuracy, relevance, and feasibility of the information provided, as well as whether the corporate philosophy is truly reflected in the management, the character of the management, management policies, and corporate culture from an investor's perspective. For example, the percentage of women in management positions disclosed in the company's website may seem high because it includes overseas group companies, or because the company is addressing social issues by increasing employment of women in less developed countries. This is the best part of the case method. As face-to-face classes resumed this semester, current students were able to meet with their peers for the first time in a long time, and for new students, it was their first class, and they seemed to have an uncontrollable desire to raise their hands and speak up in class.

Professor Tetsuya Sano's Profile
Professor Sano received his M.A. from the Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, and his Ph. He has been working at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business since 1997, and has been teaching at the NUCB Business School for the past 10 years. He specializes in accounting and financial accounting.