
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Updates from the Alumni Network

Happy new year to all of you from the Alumni Network. In this year of the Ox, we will be working hard to deliver valuable content to you that stimulates dialogue and allows you to engage with others openly and honestly.

Below are some of the exciting programs we have developed and are hoping to roll out in the near future.

Mentorship program
In one of our initial surveys, we received an overwhelming response from volunteers willing to mentor students and professional peers. One of our priorities was to communicate this to the School in order to jointly develop a mentorship program. We are proud to announce that the Alumni Network policy document is complete and currently under review.  Should you have any experience with working with mentorship programs and wish to provide expertise or become our first mentorship program manager, please reach out to us and join the Alumni Network Slack channel!

Global Minds Affinity Network
On the 6th December, a meeting with the School and Professor Goi was held regarding the launch of our own series of regular affinity network meetings. The goal is to create a valuable platform bringing together international perspectives from current students and alumni on issues related to business and academics. We are excited to host our first meeting in February discussing a food company and its international expansion.

Alumni Profiles
In an effort to bring current students and alumni together, the Alumni Network will be regularly interviewing alumni for a special feature shared on the school's social media and website pages. Below is the first of many to come.

The Alumni Network needs you!
In December, we saw our membership exceed 350 members. While small, this cohort will continue to grow in size and impact. If you know of any alumni who have not yet joined, please encourage them to do so.

Alumni Profile

Benjamin Adabachi
Double Degree Program alumnus
Grenoble Ecole de Management/NUCB Business School

Benjamin is a curious person: a music and photography lover who's driven by knowledge he might get from new people he meets, experiences or books, and a great listener with enormous attention to detail.  He is a natural when it comes to sales, which is perhaps why he ended up clinching a role in the Dublin office of the renowned SaaS company Salesforce.  He chose the DDP program at NUCBBS because he had always been curious about Asia, especially Japan. From his studies at our school, Benjamin developed a broader vision of not only how the Asian market works, but also on the different areas and mechanisms that define a company. The great variety of courses available let him understand what opportunities he could seize with his passions and skills. This view, and his natural talent for people, landed him a job in the Sales and Operations department of Salesforce, where he does data analysis and provides recommendations for top managers in France.  A data-driven company can help business take a big leap towards success; more importantly, it can help the world become a better place. One of the things that Benjamin respects the most about Salesforce is how it forges a better future through its social and environmental actions.  He looks to find ways to directly impact the world and his community in a positive way.