
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Announcing the Global Minds affinity network

In our first meeting of our Global Minds affinity network, we will be discussing agriculture and food sustainability with our guest speaker Nam Dang. Nam Dang is the co-founder and CEO of Cricket One. Cricket One was founded by Nam Dang and Bicky Nguyen in 2017 to promote one of the world’s most environmentally friendly food sources beyond the East and Southeast Asian countries. The company initiates to farm and process crickets as a high-protein, high-mineral food source whilst helping to improve the livelihood of farmers and to productively utilise their agricultural by-products through technology.

The meeting of the Global Minds Network will see NUCB BS Alumni and students review Cricket One's challenges in a rapid consultation format where we will break up into teams for 30min in break out rooms. We will discuss possible solutions and innovations that he can use to resolve his challenges and the winning team will be awarded a small prize.
So be sure to come with your thinking caps on!

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