
Faculty & Research

Network Report

International students kick off the "Let's Talk Business" series with Session #1: Top Technology Trends in Management


The Student Representative Council (SRC) launched its webinar series entitled "Let's Talk Business" on Monday, July 6th. The first session’s guest speakers were Mr. Peter Faulkner, CIO at Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation, and two current students, Mr. Kensuke Yamaguchi and Mr. Mark Hosang.

The session highlighted technology trends in the corporate world featuring guest speakers sharing their experiences with big data and artificial intelligence, also describing how the modern corporate environment linked with technology management allows business managers to shift their policies toward remote working. AI & machine learning are changing the requirements of many businesses, and it is the job of management to keep employees updated with the latest trends and developments. The speakers were mainly concerned with discussing how tech-based tools can lead to the achievement of goals without affecting other factors.

The SRC was formed by three student organizers to represent the interests of international students, organize events, and oversee the formation of student networking groups.

They have arranged the “Let’s Talk Business” webinar series, the second session of which is entitled "Japanese Job Market for Students," to complement the series hosted by faculty members. Their next session speaker will be Mr. Elliot Conti, Managing Director of Global Aichi, named by Wedge magazine as one of the “30 pioneers of the new age."