
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Global Minds Network 2nd meeting: the Nightmare Competitor Approach

Rocking the Ship

The second meeting of the Global Minds Network was held virtually on April 25th by members of the Alumni Network and the Student Representative Council. The meeting was joined by 16 participants, including NUCB Business School alumni and current students from different countries. The event was conducted in similar fashion to existing affiliate network meetings to foster networking opportunities while discussing business.

Organizers invited Mr. Ulrich Grothe as guest speaker, who is currently the managing director of Grothe Strategie GmBH, a firm that specializes in rapid consultation and business strategy. Among his academic ventures, Ulrich is a senior lecturer specializing in strategy and business studies at the Zurich International Business School, and is Head of the Strategy Department at Boston Business School. He was invited to speak about Rocking the Ship, a book he has co-authored that challenges business owners and managers to attack their current way of conducting business to innovate.

Mr. Ulrich highlighted the use of his Nightmare Competitor approach to develop and deploy strategies and business models to create disruptive businesses. In his presentation, he demonstrated how such a model could be used to describe the success of startups such as Tesla, Spotify, and others.

The participants were divided into two groups to simulate the development of strategies to disrupt the management consulting industry. The competition included some of the biggest management consulting firms including Bain, BCG, and McKinsey.

The full report detailing their activities and goals is linked below.
Full Report

The Global Minds Network aims to continue inviting live case protagonists as guests for the purpose of building on the learning done in the classroom, and strengthening ties between current students, alumni, and industry representatives. The organizers invite industry insiders, faculty members, and alumni and current students of both English and Japanese programs to build on their experiences, broaden their perspectives, and contribute their unique insights at the next meeting, which will be held in July.