
Faculty & Research

Network Report

International Network Hosts a Reunion Party for Students and Alumni

Reunion Party

On the 11th of April, the International Network hosted its first virtual reunion party, open to all students and alumni of NUCBBS. The evening was an opportunity to celebrate the students that graduated in the spring 2021 and have joined the growing International Network.

The event was organized and hosted by International Network advisor Professor Hiroshi Uchikoga, and saw 60 registered on all social networks and more than 40 participants from 10 different countries, including alumni from as far back as 2007, when the School had just launched its Global Leader Program, to current students as well as several undergraduate students.

The event's guest speaker was Monica Chinn, a recent graduate from the Spring 2021 class and a member of the Japan Business Model Competition finalist team X, gave an emotional presentation that transported all alumni back to Japan with her creative use of the sounds of Marunouchi, Nagoya. After that, participants were divided into rooms where they connected with each other on their career progress, reminisce on their times in Japan, and share a drink together virtually.

The event's relaxed and casual format was both inviting and warming, making it a success that the Network hopes will be the first of many: plans are already in place to hold the event again in subsequent semesters.