
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The first webinar of the “Let’s Talk Business 2.0” series by the SRC

The NUCB Business School Student Representative Council (SRC) launched its second webinar series entitled "Let's Talk Business 2.0" on Monday, November 30th. The SRC was formed by student organizers to represent the interests of international students, organize events, and oversee the formation of student networking groups. This series will give new enrollees, current students, and alumni a chance to interact with each other and discuss various industries within Japan and ongoing trends in business and business education.

The first session’s guest speakers were alumni and current students who have had a wide experience and expertise in different global firms. The session highlighting “Multinational Experiences and Communication” featured guest speakers who shared their experiences and talked about networking models such as the MIT model, and how different tools are helpful in building and developing PR and connections. They focused on following and reading online content from expats living in Japan. Diversity and inclusion play vital roles in a new environment like Japan, where traditional culture is stronger than new customs.

The second session of the series entitled "Technology and Innovation" will be delivered by the experts from the tech industry, and the speakers’ presentations will mainly be concerned with how emerging trends in consumer needs can be effectively met through technology-driven innovation.

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