
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The second webinar of the “Let’s Talk Business 2.0” series by the SRC

The NUCB Business School Student Representative Council (SRC) conducted the second session of their Let's Talk Business webinar series on Monday, 7th December. The guest speakers were Mr. Takayoshi Urano and Mr. Arnaud Chemin, who shared their experiences related to “Technology and Innovation,” discussing radical changes and how to adapt and move with the fast pace of a competitive environment.

Japanese businesses are shifting towards new services that will create many more opportunities in the coming years. Because understanding the market through research and learning from consumer feedback are essential to market positioning, the speakers shared perspectives on what they've observed in consumer technology industries and emphasized simplifying the user experience.

The third and final session of the series, entitled "The Power of Networking," will be delivered by alumni and student representatives of the PR, IT, and manufacturing industries. The speakers’ presentations will mainly be concerned with how effective PR and networking can boost career growth and development.

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