The 8th meeting of the Learning Network was held virtually

On Wednesday, February 10, the 8th meeting of the Learning Network was held virtually. The theme of this event was "This is strange, Japanese companies." The facilitator this time was Mr. Mitsuteru Shibata, a graduate of our EMBA program. Before the workshop, a survey was conducted on the problems of Japanese companies and found that "resistance to change, inefficient workplaces, and lack of leadership" were the top problems of Japanese companies. Based on the results of this survey, discussions among the students, graduates, and faculty of the School revealed the true hidden issues.
For example, the main problem cited by management was that "people leave things to top management and do not think for themselves," while the problem cited by mid-level and younger employees was "lack of management knowledge."
From this example, even though it is natural for different positions to have different problems, it seems that the way management and mid-level/younger employees perceive problems is not as their own problems but as the problems of others. In other words, we found a hidden issue: "Are we unconsciously blaming others for the problems of various Japanese companies and falling into self-optimization?"
Through this discussion, the participants were able to reaffirm the importance of recognizing the problems of Japanese companies as their own and taking action to solve them.
About the Learning Network
This is one of the official networks established by the alumni of our institution.
It is a network for current students and alumni of the institution to deepen their mutual learning by sharing their own learning and skills through output sharing. We are looking for people who not only participate, but also output. You can learn not only from the input in the classes, but also from the output in this network.
The Executive MBA program was launched in 2003 as the first program of its kind in Japan for working adults who wish to become core members of corporations. Ninety percent of our faculty members are practitioners who have been active on the front lines of business. Unlike the unidirectional academic lectures for training researchers, the program provides practical learning directly related to business by reflecting the experience and knowledge gained through practical work in the lectures.