The 10th meeting of the Learning Network was held virtually

The 10th Learning Network Event "Organizational Development for Managers" was held on February 26 (Fri). This is a series of three lectures by Mr. Naoya Sekizawa, an EMBA graduate who has studied and practiced organizational development himself. This was the final session of the series, and it was a time for participants to reflect on what they had learned so far and to engage in dialogue and exploration toward the Learning Goal of becoming and able to talk about OD (Organizational Development) in their own words.
The event started with a dialogue focusing on the questions that some of the participants who had raised their hands after the previous lecture had prepared with Mr. Sekizawa. After that the participants were invited to submit their own questions that they would like to explore further and the dialogue proceeded by dividing the participants into groups according to their interests. In the process of creating such a space the mindset of OD which is based on democratic values, party-centered values, and Y-theory (MacGregor) was utilized.
At the end of the session, each participant was asked the question, "What are the questions you need to keep coming back to in order to improve the teams and organizations around you in the future?
This project ended with each participant facing and verbalizing this question. The final session of this series of lectures, which has been well received each time recorded a particularly high level of participant satisfaction and a sense of reaching the Learning Goal.
About the Learning Network
This is one of the official networks established by the alumni of our institution.
It is a network for current students and alumni to deepen their mutual learning by sharing their own learning and skills through output sharing. We are looking for people who not only participate, but also output. You can learn not only from the input in the classes, but also from the output in this network.
The Executive MBA program was launched in 2003 as the first program of its kind in Japan for working adults who wish to become core members of corporations. Ninety percent of our faculty members are practitioners who have been active on the front lines of business. Unlike the unidirectional academic lectures for training researchers, the program provides practical learning directly related to business by reflecting the experience and knowledge gained through practical work in the lectures.