
Faculty & Research

Network Report

A meeting of the Learning Network was held

The 23rd study session of "Learning Network," one of the networks of alumni of NUCB Business School, was held online on February 9, 2024, with 18 participants. Continuing from the previous meeting, we invited Mr. Akira Sato, President of Gift & Share LLC, as a speaker to talk about "NVC (Non-Violent Communication)".

NVC is a skill and dialogue method that builds the "quality of connection" that creates peace within and without ourselves, systematized in the 1970s by Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg, an American clinical psychologist. It is a way of looking at things and a way of dialogue to connect to our true feelings and to deepen our understanding with others through dialogue, and to share this with those around us. In the workshop, we learned about practical empathic communication skills that enable us to value both ourselves and others, and considered why our communication can be violent. Then, participants experienced the Empathy Circle, a typical NVC work, and realized what it means to "really listen. Participants commented that they were very interested in the depth of empathy and that it was interesting to experience it.

About the Learning Network

This is one of the official networks established by alumni of NUCB Business School.
It is a network for current students and alumni to deepen each other's learning by sharing their own learning and skills as output. We are looking for people who not only participate but also output. In this network, you can learn not only from the inputs in the classes but also from the outputs.