Report on a meeting of the Learning Network
The 24th study session of the "Learning Network," one of the networks of alumni of NUCB Business School, was held online on March 6, with 21 participants. Continuing from the previous meeting, we invited Mr. Akira Sato, President of Gift & Share LLC, as a speaker to talk about "Process Thinking Psychology.
The first Positive Psychology session was on "What is the most important happiness in life?" and "What is the difference between the paradox that the more we desire happiness, the more unhappy we become, and the way to be happy?" The second NVC (nonviolent communication) session focused on "What do we really want? What is the operating system of communication that fosters deep connection with everyone? The third and final session, "Process Thinking," was held in March. In the third and final session, Process Thinking Psychology, we will discover the gateway to "living wholeness. The concept of considering not only work but also life itself as a series of processes and finding meaning in change as it occurs is called "Process Work," and it holds wisdom that supports us in gaining a broader and more diverse range of experiences and living more wholeness of life. We learned to encounter the worldview of Process Work, to study Process Work, and to refine, learn, and nurture our ways of being with others, our attitudes and postures, our skills and knowledge, and our ability to relate and facilitate each other so that our dialogue with others can open (open/open/enlighten) in accordance with the flow of the larger nature. The participants learned the following. Participants said, "I wanted to release some of my repression," and "I am not good at expressing my anger, but I felt that I have been suppressing my energy by protecting my "white" self.
About the Learning Network
This is one of the official networks established by alumni of our institution.
It is a network for current students and alumni to deepen each other's learning by sharing their own learning and skills as output. We are looking for people who not only participate but also output. In this network, you can learn not only from the inputs in the classes but also from the outputs.
Learning Network | Alumni Support | NUCB Business School - MBA Japan
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