
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 2nd Learning Network meeting was held virtually


On Tuesday, November 17th, the second meeting of the Learning Network was held virtually. The theme of the second session was "Brain Exercise - Associative Image Training." This time, Mr. Uehara, an EMBA graduate, conducted the seminar. Based on Mr. Uehara's actual experience,  the content of the seminar was organized with the main objective of "training imagination" in mind.

Quiz-style discussions on imagining everyday consumer behavior were held to stir thinking about the message and target of commercials and posters in order to incorporate the intentions of the sender. In addition, the participants were able to dig deeper into consumer behavior by setting up customer images and creating key visuals and catch copy based on the short cases related to business that only our school can offer. With one such short case, the students actually set the target of the product and created an advertisement design for that target, so they were able to experience the fun and difficulty of visualizing and designing the message they wanted to convey. Divided into three teams, the exciting work by each team produced different results. In the Learning Network, opinions and discussions from different perspectives are actively exchanged, and the atmosphere is more intimate and exciting than that of the classroom.

About Learning Network

The Learning Network is one of the official networks of the NUCB Business School, established by graduates. It is a study group with the goal of deepening learning through sharing input gained in class discussions. The content of the meetings varies from lecture-based to work-based. We aim to provide a place for lifelong learning and growth, a place to expand on one's work experiences, and a place to gain inspiration for one's life.

Executive MBA
The Executive MBA program was launched in 2003 to become the first of its kind in Japan. The program targets working adults who wish to become core members of the corporate world. Ninety percent of the faculty teaching EMBA courses are practitioners who have been active on the front lines of business. Unlike the unidirectional lectures of other schools that are geared toward training researchers, our EMBA program provides practical learning directly related to business, incorporating experience and knowledge gained from extensive careers in participant-centered case method style lectures.