
International Programs

Student Reports

Study Abroad Report 2023 - Nae Fukuoka, National University of Singapore Business School

#留学 #ビジネススクール #MBA #シンガポール #交換留学

We are pleased to present the study abroad report of Nae Fukuoka, who participated in a short-term exchange program at the National University of Singapore Business School (NUS) in January 2023.

Motivation for Studying Abroad

National University of Singapore Business School (NUS) Main Entrance

I applied for a short-term study abroad program at the National University of Singapore (NUS) because I was keen to explore the academic offerings in a country that prides itself as one of the leading nations in Asia. I had three compelling reasons for choosing to study abroad in Asia. Firstly, I believe that it is essential for Japanese companies to expand into Asia, given the geographic proximity. Having graduated from a university in the U.K., I was keen to learn about corporate examples in Singapore and to explore the possibility of applying this knowledge in practice. Secondly, NUS is a world-class institution renowned for its practical business courses, which I felt would be of great value to me. Finally, given my work schedule, it was challenging for me to commit to a long-term study abroad program. As such, I opted for the short-term program offered by NUS at the beginning of the year.

Program Overview

The program I have applied for was Asian Business Landscape. The program was held for 5 days between January 3 to 7, 2023. Classes ran from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Classes were held in English and were face to face.


There were 5 lecturers and a variety of guests, including corporate leaders from companies in Singapore. There were 26 students attending this short program. This was the second time that NUS has offered a short-term study abroad program, so the number of participants may change in the future. There were 24 students from the U.S., one from Canada, and I was the only student from Asia. All of the other students were in their second year, and more than half of them were full-time students. On the last day, we had group presentations.

Lessons Learned

We touched on Emerging Markets in class, and I continued taking similar classes at NUCB after returning to Japan. By studying in both countries, I was able to deepen my understanding of Emerging Markets. I believe this is one of the advantages of studying an MBA in Japan. It was also a very valuable experience for me to be able to take classes not only with Asian business students, but also with students from other schools. Through this program, I was able to witness a diversity of opinions and experience and I strongly desire to grow even more. I am grateful for this opportunity. I also hope that this report will be of some help to you when you are considering studying abroad.