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  5. 東邦ガス 2012


#チャネル戦略 #ファミリービジネス #M&A


Customers’ awareness of the environment and energy has been steadily changing since the Great East Japan Earthquake. While the mass adoption of all-electric homes has entered a period of decline, in the medium- and long-term it is expected to steadily continue, and it is true that the market remains difficult. In that context, this research focuses on the creation of the best channel management strategy, centered on the exclusive ENEDO channel but also considering other industries’ channel situation. This strategy, based on fresh thinking not restricted by previous ways of doing things comes in concert with efforts to control the internal and external environment surrounding the company in order to beat the competition and achieve sustainable expansion. Additionally going forward, the case seeks potential solutions from the perspective of family business and M&A as many ENEDOs undergo business successions.

Detailed information

Case ID 12-1074
Published 2012
Analyzed Area Marketing
Pages 21
Language Japanese
Teaching Note Attached