
Case Method

Case Library

EthiFinance 2014

#Entrepreneurship #Extra-financial #rating #agency #Growth #management


EthiFinance, an French extra-financial rating agency specialized in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), was seeking its future challenges. After ten years of existence, EthiFinance had become one of the European leaders for Small and Medium businesses, even if the company only operated in France. The firm was known for its Taylor-made services and its skilled workforce, which made it an expert on this niche market. Nevertheless, the competition was waging on this market with the potential entrance of new comers and the current business model of extra-financial rating agencies was not sustainable financially speaking, even if EthiFinance had been financially stable since its creation. However, the CEO of the firm, Emmanuel de la Ville wanted to take the firm to its next level of growth. The CEO had thought about five options: have a focused strategy on its core business, diversify either in terms of products or markets, go towards an acquisitive growth that is to say merge, acquire or find a stay a promising partner to expand in France or abroad or cede the company to the closest to the values of EthiFinance and the highest bidders. Thus what shall be the future strategy of the agency?

Detailed information

Case ID 14-1049
Published 2014
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 31
Language English
Teaching Note Attached