
Case Method

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#グローバル展開 #経営戦略 #広告代理店


Dentsu has a big share in Japan. It’s the Gulliver of the advertising world and its position is as firm as a rock. However, its growth has slowed down. Dentsu is competing amongst major change in the field, for example Internet advertising, big data etc. It became obvious that advance into overseas markets would be crucial for its continued growth, though it had not had much success in the past, internationally. What were the issues of the previous attempts? Should it cooperate with other companies? In that case, what would be the best way to do so? The main character in this case study pounders these important questions. Will he be able to come to a decision about new methods of advancement, thereby making his dream come true in the big blue ocean?

Detailed information

Case ID 14-1072
Published 2014
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 33
Language Japanese
Teaching Note Attached