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McDonalds 2015

#Fast #food #industry #Global #Management #Change #of #Leader


McDonalds is the biggest fast food chain of the world. Its business model and achievements have been admired all over the world. It was for many the representation of an American dream. Regarding recent analysis, this dream story is shaken today by several challenges. At a time when globalization run the world, McDonalds is losing market shares, meaning consumers and also for the first time they lost money on 2014. Despite its attempt to replicate its success in the almost same way in emerging countries, McDonalds failed to achieve his goals. The globalization showed also the power of the competition such as KFC in China. The unsatisfied results pushed the CEO Don Thompson to resign in January. Was appointed in this position Easterbrook, a British experienced in Turnover’s strategy and with high internal skills and experiences resulting from around 20 years in the company. This case present the reality of the situation in Finance, Leadership, Organization and Marketing. This company was considered for years as too big to fail, but can this troubles frighten the development of the company? It seems that even the biggest established company have no safety of lasting, what is the reality of the situation in 2015? What are the problem inherited from Don Thompson mandate?

Detailed information

Case ID 15-1056
Published 2015
Analyzed Area Competitive strategy
Pages 28
Language English
Teaching Note Attached