
Case Method

Case Library

ENI 2016

#international #company #oilfield #project #development


An Italian company-ENI,that evolved along with the country during the long period of history created its own unique culture, took its place in the world of great competitors and finally came to the project that hold out promises of quality product and great outcomes . It is ,however, became a quagmire on its way and protracted the company each time into the deep of the delays. The launch of its current project, the exploration of the Kashagan oilfield in Kazakhstan, postponed not for the first time since the year of 2000, what means -the necessity to attract more investments to take a challenge of this issue. On the other hand, Eni’s global activity doesn’t compensate huge costs they’re expending in Kazakhstan. Because of its delays, the government of Kazakhstan abolished Eni’s right of full operatorship in Kashagan oilfield. What caused the problems all those time and what are future perspectives for a big and well experienced company this time ,examines in the example of ENI and its recent and current project.

Detailed information

Case ID 16-1041
Published 2016
Analyzed Area Operations management
Pages 25
Language English
Teaching Note Attached