
Case Method

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#Family #Business #Talent #Management #Productivity #& #Cost #Reduction


The “Hôtel du Golf”, famous institution based in Deauville (Normandy, France) from the Barrière Group, survived well the economic crisis of 2008, thanks to a cost-cutting policy. But some bad consequences of this policy have then started to arise (lack of communication and solidarity between the different services, complaints of workers about their wages and accommodation, poor motivation at work, low fidelity of employees…). Our goal with this case is to see how Jacques Horrent, managing director of the hotel, can reverse this trend and better the situation, in order to improve employees’ loyalty and commitment, and consequently to achieve efficiency at work and in the service offered to clients. This case is not only related to the “Hôtel du Golf” in particular, but also to the whole policy operative in the group. First, it can help us to understand the functioning of a luxury hotel, and what is at stake for many institutions in this industry. But the issues arising here are not only specific to this industry. The challenge of finding the right balance between employee’s desires (conditions of work, wages, gratitude and reward…) and a reasonable level of cost is almost always critical for medium sized companies.

Detailed information

Case ID 16-1049
Published 2016
Industry HOTELS
Analyzed Area Human resources management
Pages 27
Language English
Teaching Note Attached