
Case Method

Case Library

Healthcare Corporation, Zenikai 2017

#イノベーション #リーダーシップ #組織変革


Zen’ikai Healthcare Group has continued to grow after being the first clinic to introduce the innovative PELD method for the treatment of a herniated disc. This position in the market, however, has been challenged as competitors begin to also implement the PELD method. As such Zen’ikai faces the challenge that it must drastically innovate if it wishes to keep its competitive advantage. Zen’ikai’s leadership must take on the task of building an environment that will foster new and innovative ideas. This case aims to analyze innovation management and leadership as well as how these two topics are interrelated with eachother.

Detailed information

Case ID 17-1107
Published 2017
Analyzed Area Marketing
Pages 23
Language Japanese
Teaching Note Attached