
Case Method

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Manchester United FC 2022

#Leadership #Pitch Performance #Football Success


Manchester United FC is termed one of the most popular clubs in the world and in the history of football with great success both on and off the pitch. However, all is not well with the club as they have undergone leadership challenges since its long serving Manager of 26 years, Alex Ferguson retired just months after the club’s visionary CEO David Gill resigned in 2013 leaving the club with tremendous hurdles including but not limited to poor performance on the pitch, nonchalant players, a massive drop in its position on major leagues and disgruntled fans. A replacement CEO was chosen and he went on to appoint more than four experienced Managers who came rapidly in succession of each other but unfortunately could not improve the winning streak of the team so he too stepped down.In February 2022, Richard Arnold was hired as new CEO from a commercial background with no prior experience in leading a football team and expected to fix the woes of not just the club but the team by not only appointing a new Manager but also ensure that the Manager will deliver on his promise of restoring winning on the pitch and hence replicate the glory days of the club under Alex Ferguson. He has several considerations to make however because the Ferguson era of football may not necessarily follow recent trends. The question remains: Is it possible to replicate those glory days with a new coach other than Sir Alex? Or Is Manchester United FC just focusing on the quick fix commercial gains without considering the future performance of the team?

Detailed information

Case ID 22-1076
Published 2022
Analyzed Area Social enterprise & ethics
Pages 23
Language English
Teaching Note Attached