
Case Method

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Digitial Transformation at Kenja 2022

#Digital Disruption #Automation and AI Sustainability (ESG) #Project Management in Remote Working environment #Globalization #Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)


Kenja a successful medium sized company that specialises in B2B (Business to Business) solutions for the fourth industrial revolution: providing businesses with various solutions for digital transformation. The company is about to launch its latest product, VPN for Kenja Rooms. After the successful roll-out of Kenja rooms and uptake in various industries, the company learns of the demand for security while employees use virtual collaboration tools such as Kenja Rooms. This insight was spotted even before the onset of Covid-19 pandemic and turned into an opportunity. The firm quickly built a prototype and launched it to the public to test for market up-take. The response seemed positive however the product was not launched on time. Part A of the case diagnoses root causes of the failed launch. While Part A analyses development of Dx solutions externally (B2B), Part B assesses the role of Dx within the company (internal focus). Digital transformation tools such as those built and practiced by Kenja (IoT, Blockchain and Cybersecurity) are relevant to the extent that company culture is also enabling of the usage of these tools. Digital transformation is often regarded as purely technical concept, however firms need to adopt some modern HR practices to support the technical aspects (data collection, usage and establishing processes suited to the core of the business model). At Kenja a deep-dive has been done into these principles and we notice how contemporary work schedules that are prominent in the 21st century can affect a company’s the internal digital transformation efforts. In the post-covid era we stipulate an even bigger adoption of contemporary work schedules since the virus has accelerated the push towards flexible and remote working. Over and above the technology, is the need for more collaboration and trust. Effective project management and Strategic Management is crucial to success and companies such as Kenja and Fujitsu thrive in digital transformation efforts because remote working requires an even greater level of collaboration among teams (through virtual platforms).

Detailed information

Case ID 22-1077
Published 2022
Analyzed Area Social enterprise & ethics
Pages 33
Language English
Teaching Note Attached