
Case Method

Case Library

Imtron 2022

#Supply chain #Disruptions #Strategic responses


Imtron, a mid-sized wholesale subsidiary from Germany is in charge of the four own brands of Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer MediaMarktSaturn. As Europe faces the economic, social, and political consequences of Covid-19, store and harbor closures, transport shortages, and changed demand disrupt sales, and supply chain processes, leaving Imtron with an unhealthy stock mix and missing sales. A cross-functional emergency response team works through the challenges. Once the situation begins to stabilize, employees and managers recognize the importance of rethinking the changes to their processes and supply chain. Vera, a young specialist in her first full-time job, faces the task to investigate the available options and learnings, to make recommendations for actions to be taken to improve the availability of products in the future. After a brief outline of the situation, the case begins by introducing the company and proceeds to briefly break down the organizational structure and culture. It then introduces students to Imtron’s operations and relevant processes of forecasting and ordering, before introducing the background of Vera as the decision-maker and a first-hand witness of the impacts on and reactions by the company. It then tells the story of the situation many companies around the world faced, with the operational consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for European firms and which concrete challenges employees had to navigate on a daily basis. Imtron’s responses across functions are then outlined, made while facing uncertainty, time, and budget constraints. A pool of learnings, ideas and various changes remains as routine returns. Vera must look back to recommend and prioritize ideas that may shape operational processes and the supply chain in a lasting way.

Detailed information

Case ID 23-1073
Published 2023
Industry OTHERS
Analyzed Area Operations management
Pages 24
Language English
Teaching Note Attached