
Case Method

Case Library

Square Enix 2023

#NFT #Video Game Industry #New Markets

Square Enix 2023


This case study is about analyzing two strategic decisions made by Square Enix regarding its general operations and future direction for the company’s growth. The first decision is in regards with the sale of three of Square Enix’s western studios as well as over fifty IPs for a price that is well below the expected market value. There are 6 different reasons presented on why Square Enix has come to such a decision. The study would be to analyze the logic behind each of these reasons, and to decide if the decision was appropriate or not. The second decision was the reasoning behind investing in the newly budding field of NFT gaming. While NFT has been more well known to the public due to its rising popularity, NFT gaming is much more of a niche field that requires more in-depth knowledge to get a basic understanding. The case provides this basic information so that individuals with no understanding will have a basic grasp of NFT and how it relates to the video game industry. Additionally, there will be an in-depth analysis of the current trends of the video game industry as well as Square Enix’s own business strategy. The focus of this case is on critical thinking and the ability to identify strengthens and weaknesses in an organization’s business plan by comparing it to the surrounding factors. By the end of the case, the reader should have analyzed both the decisions together, and come up with their own understanding of what they believe would be the right course of action for the company moving forward. There will also include a section that shows the results of Square Enix’s decisions, so that the reader may compare their results with the actual happenings.

Detailed information

Case ID 23-1187
Published 2023
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 30
Language English
Teaching Note Attached